Colección SciELO Chile

Departamento Gestión de Conocimiento, Monitoreo y Prospección
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Reproduction and feeding of Sagitta enflata in the Humboldt Current system off Chile
WoS WOS:000256130200011
Scopus SCOPUS_ID:44649140385
DOI 10.1093/ICESJMS/FSN030
Año 2008
Tipo artículo de investigación

Citas Totales

Autores Afiliación Chile

Instituciones Chile

% Participación

Afiliación Extranjera



This study is based on 3 years (August 2002-July 2005) of monthly zooplankton sampling at a fixed station located 18 km off Coliumo Bay (36 degrees S), Chile. The reproduction of Sagitta enflata, its feeding rate, specific daily ration, and prey selectivity were analysed and related to several environmental variables: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a concentrations, and both meso- and micro-zooplankton abundance. The main predatory activity of S. enflata was centred on the copepods Paracalanus parvus, Oithona spp., and Calanus chilensis. These three species were consumed at different rates, depending mainly on the maturity of the S. enflata population. When Stages I and II individuals dominated, predation focused on the small P. parvus and Oithona spp., whereas more mature populations (Stages III and IV) preyed selectively on C. chilensis. The mean specific daily ration of 0.1 d(-1) increased to 0.5 d(-1) before and during maturation. The reproductive phase of S. enflata was closely coupled with the abundance of nauplii, suggesting that chaetognath reproduction paralleled that of copepods, most likely to diminish the mortality of its offspring resulting from starvation. The relationships between these were included in a conceptual model and their ecological significance is discussed.

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Disciplinas de Investigación

Marine & Freshwater Biology
Sin Disciplinas
Sin Disciplinas

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Publicaciones WoS (Ediciones: ISSHP, ISTP, AHCI, SSCI, SCI), Scopus, SciELO Chile.

Colaboración Institucional

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Autores - Afiliación

Ord. Autor Género Institución - País
1 Giesecke, R. Hombre Centro de investigación Oceanográfica en el Pacífico Sur Oriental - Chile
Universidad de Concepción - Chile
2 GONZALEZ-ESTAY, HUMBERTO Hombre Centro de investigación Oceanográfica en el Pacífico Sur Oriental - Chile
Universidad Austral de Chile - Chile
Universidad de Concepción - Chile

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Origen de Citas Identificadas

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Citas identificadas: Las citas provienen de documentos incluidos en la base de datos de DATACIENCIA

Citas Identificadas: 12.0 %
Citas No-identificadas: 88.0 %

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Citas identificadas: Las citas provienen de documentos incluidos en la base de datos de DATACIENCIA

Citas Identificadas: 12.0 %
Citas No-identificadas: 88.0 %


Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica

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We thank FONDAP-COPAS Research Programme 3, which kindly provided the copepod abundance data, and Ruben Escribano, Pamela Hidalgo, and Alvaro Araneda who collected the samples included in this study. We thank the COPAS time-series team and the crew of the RV “Kay Kay”. Two anonymous reviewers greatly improved an earlier version of the manuscript. The study was supported by a CONICYT Doctoral fellowship grant and the FONDAP-COPAS Centre funded by FONDAP-Chile grant 15010007.

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