Colección SciELO Chile

Departamento Gestión de Conocimiento, Monitoreo y Prospección
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Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus) spermatozoa quality after storage at 4 degrees C in Cortland medium
WoS WOS:000456908100013
Scopus SCOPUS_ID:85053076527
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIREPROSCI.2018.08.019
Año 2018
Tipo artículo de investigación

Citas Totales

Autores Afiliación Chile

Instituciones Chile

% Participación

Afiliación Extranjera



Patagonian blenny (E. maclovinus) is a marine species recently placed in captivity and which are potentially farmable. Understanding and improving its sperm capacity to withstand short-term storage conditions is a key element of initiating an artificial propagation program for this species. The aim of this study is to evaluate the ultrastructure and quality of E. maclovinus sperm during refrigerated storage. To address this objective, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cytofluorimetric analysis (membrane integrity; reactive oxygen species generation; mitochondrial membrane potential) and cell respiration/mitochondrial-function analysis (ATP content; oxygen consumption) could be useful for optimizing or improving management for artificial reproduction of this species. Severe damage of plasma membranes was observed by SEM at day 7 and 14 of in vitro storage. Analyses of sperm quality were conducted during the 14-day cold storage period when sperm were in diluted (with Cortland solution) and undiluted conditions. When there were diluted conditions, there was greater preservation of motile capacity (from day-7; P < 0.05), membrane integrity (from day-7; P < 0.05), mitochondrial membrane potential (from day-10; P < 0.05) and ATP stores (from day-3; P < 0.05). Oxygen consumption indicators were 18.6% +/- 14.7% greater in the undiluted samples from day-3, and 32.1% +/- 2.1% of the total spermatozoa had ample amounts of superoxide anion in both undiluted and diluted semen on day-0. The use of Cortland solution extended the viability of sperm when there were longer storage times. Factors that have a greater effect on the quality of semen during storage are reactive oxygen species generation and ATP depletion. In conclusion, Patagonian blenny spermatozoa can be stored at 4 degrees C between 7 and 10 days using Cortland solution.


Revista ISSN
Animal Reproduction Science 0378-4320

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Disciplinas de Investigación

Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science
Reproductive Biology
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Publicaciones WoS (Ediciones: ISSHP, ISTP, AHCI, SSCI, SCI), Scopus, SciELO Chile.

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Autores - Afiliación

Ord. Autor Género Institución - País
1 Ulloa-Rodriguez, Patricio Hombre Universidad de La Frontera - Chile
2 Contreras, P. Hombre Universidad de La Frontera - Chile
Universidad Católica de Temuco - Chile
3 Dumorne, Kelly Mujer Universidad de La Frontera - Chile
4 Estevez, Manuel Lee Hombre Universidad de La Frontera - Chile
5 Diaz, Rommy Mujer Universidad de La Frontera - Chile
6 FIGUEROA-VILLALOBOS, ELIAS GUSTAVO Hombre Universidad Católica de Temuco - Chile
Universidad de Chile - Chile
7 Valdebenito, Ivan Hombre Universidad Católica de Temuco - Chile
8 RISOPATRON-GONZALEZ, JENNIE MARIANNE Mujer Universidad de La Frontera - Chile
9 Farias, Jorge Hombre Universidad de La Frontera - Chile

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Citas identificadas: Las citas provienen de documentos incluidos en la base de datos de DATACIENCIA

Citas Identificadas: 16.67 %
Citas No-identificadas: 83.33 %

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Citas identificadas: Las citas provienen de documentos incluidos en la base de datos de DATACIENCIA

Citas Identificadas: 16.67 %
Citas No-identificadas: 83.33 %


Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico
'Comision Nacional de Investigation Cientifica y Tecnologica' (CONICYT)

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The authors want to thank'Fundacion Chile Estacion Experimental Quillaipe' for facilitating samples. This work was funded by 'Comision Nacional de Investigation Cientifica y Tecnologica' (CONICYT) through the doctoral scholarship grant no 21140852, and the following FONDECYT projects: Regular no 1151315, Regular no 1180387, and Postdoctoral no 3180765.
The authors want to thank‘Fundación Chile Estación Experimental Quillaipe’ for facilitating samples. This work was funded by ‘Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica’ (CONICYT) through the doctoral scholarship grant no 21140852 , and the following FONDECYT projects: Regular no 1151315, Regular no 1180387, and Postdoctoral no 3180765.

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