Colección SciELO Chile

Departamento Gestión de Conocimiento, Monitoreo y Prospección
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Traversing the food-biodiversity nexus towards coexistence by manipulating social-ecological system parameters
WoS WOS:000592315300001
Scopus SCOPUS_ID:85096712531
DOI 10.1111/CONL.12779
Año 2021
Tipo artículo de investigación

Citas Totales

Autores Afiliación Chile

Instituciones Chile

% Participación

Afiliación Extranjera



Agroecological landscapes have the potential to simultaneously meet food security and biodiversity conservation goals but are hindered by emerging biodiversity conflicts. Here, we opt to view the social-ecological factors that decrease biodiversity impacts or increase tolerance of biodiversity in agroecological landscapes as system parameters for their potential capacity to move a social-ecological system from states of conflict to alternative desired system states devoid of major losses for both food security and biodiversity, that is landscapes of coexistence. We discuss how reframing landscapes as social-ecological systems allows focusing on manageable components, or coexistence parameters, that explain biodiversity impacts and are hence capable of dampening conflicts. Approaches from the social, economic, or ecological sciences allow for the formulation of management strategies tailor-made for each system, with a higher chance of success than one-size-fits-all strategies. Conceptually recognizing coexistence parameters may enable easier assessment of a landscape's current state and identification of the required actions needed to transition towards a state of coexistence.


Revista ISSN
Conservation Letters 1755-263X

Métricas Externas

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Disciplinas de Investigación

Biodiversity Conservation
Sin Disciplinas
Sin Disciplinas

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Publicaciones WoS (Ediciones: ISSHP, ISTP, AHCI, SSCI, SCI), Scopus, SciELO Chile.

Colaboración Institucional

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Autores - Afiliación

Ord. Autor Género Institución - País
1 Crespin, Silvio J. Hombre Universidad de Chile - Chile
Inst Invest Trop El Salvador - El Salvador
Universidad de Concepción - Chile
Instituto de Investigaciones Tropicales de El Salvador - El Salvador
2 Simonetti, JA Hombre Universidad de Chile - Chile

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Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
postdoctoral research project ANID-FONDECYT
Chilean Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica scholarship CONICYT
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica scholarship CONICYT

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SJC was supported by a Chilean Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica scholarship CONICYT N degrees 63130184 and finalized the manuscript during postdoctoral research project ANID-FONDECYT N degrees 3200286. This work is part of the "Ganaderia Sustentable" Program of Asociacion Kauyeken.
SJC was supported by a Chilean Comisi?n Nacional de Investigaci?n Cient?fica y Tecnol?gica scholarship CONICYT N? 63130184 and finalized the manuscript during postdoctoral research project ANID-FONDECYT N? 3200286. This work is part of the ?Ganader?a Sustentable? Program of Asociaci?n Kauyeken.

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