Colección SciELO Chile

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Air pollution, PM2.5 composition, source factors, and respiratory symptoms in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children in Santiago, Chile
WoS WOS:000397687600020
Scopus SCOPUS_ID:85011977679
DOI 10.1016/J.ENVINT.2017.01.021
Año 2017
Tipo artículo de investigación

Citas Totales

Autores Afiliación Chile

Instituciones Chile

% Participación

Afiliación Extranjera



The objective of this study was to determine the association of respiratory symptoms and medication use and exposure to various air pollutants, PM2.5 components, and source factors in a panel of asthmatic and nonasthmatic children in Santiago, Chile. To this end, 174 children (90 asthmatics and 84 nonasthmatics) were followed throughout the winter months of 2010 and 2011. During the study period, children filled out daily diaries to record respiratory symptoms and medication use. Air pollution data were obtained from government central site measurements and a PM2.5 characterization campaign. PM2.5 source factors were obtained using positive matrix factorization (PMF). Associations of symptoms and exposure to pollutants and source -factor daily scores were modeled separately for asthmatic and nonasthmatic children using mixed logistic regression models with random intercepts, controlling for weather, day of the week, year, and viral outbreaks. Overall, high concentrations of air pollutants and PM2.5 components were observed. Six source factors were identified by PMF (motor vehicles, marine aerosol, copper smelter, secondary sulfates, wood burning, and soil dust). Overall, single pollutant models showed significant and strong associations between 7 -day exposures for several criteria pollutants (PM2.5, NO2, O-3), PM2.5 components (OC, K, S, Se, V), and source factors (secondary sulfate) and coughing, wheezing and three other respiratory symptoms in both in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children. No associations were found for use of rescue inhalers in asthmatics. Two -pollutant models showed that several associations remained significant after including PM2.5, and other criteria pollutants, in the models, particularly components and source factors associated with industrial sources. In conclusion, exposure to air pollutants, especially PM2.5, NO2, and O-3, were found to exacerbate respiratory symptoms in both asthmatic and nonasthmatic children. Some of the results suggest that PM2.5 components associated with a secondary sulfate source may have a greater impact on some symptoms than PM25. In general, the results of this study show important associations at concentrations dose or below current air quality standards. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Revista ISSN
Environment International 0160-4120

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Disciplinas de Investigación

Environmental Sciences
Environmental Science (All)
Sin Disciplinas

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Publicaciones WoS (Ediciones: ISSHP, ISTP, AHCI, SSCI, SCI), Scopus, SciELO Chile.

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Autores - Afiliación

Ord. Autor Género Institución - País
1 PRIETO-PARRA, LAURA MILENA Mujer Universidad de Chile - Chile
2 Yohannessen, Karla Mujer Universidad de Chile - Chile
3 Brea, Cecilia Mujer Universidad de Chile - Chile
4 Vidal, Daniella Mujer Universidad de Chile - Chile
5 UBILLA-PEREZ, CARLOS ALBERTO Hombre Universidad de Chile - Chile
6 Ruiz-Rudolph, Pablo Hombre Universidad de Chile - Chile

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Citas identificadas: Las citas provienen de documentos incluidos en la base de datos de DATACIENCIA

Citas Identificadas: 4.08 %
Citas No-identificadas: 95.92 %

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Citas identificadas: Las citas provienen de documentos incluidos en la base de datos de DATACIENCIA

Citas Identificadas: 4.08 %
Citas No-identificadas: 95.92 %


Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (FONDECYT)
Comision Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONICYT) of the Chilean government

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We thank Viviana Olave and Jairo Vanegas for help during sampling campaigns, and Maria Eugenia Medina for help in carrying out the home visits. We also thank all the participants of the study. This work was supported by the Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (FONDECYT) [grant number 11090309] from the Comision Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONICYT) of the Chilean government.

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